January 31, 2024 (Public Communication and Media Relations)

The U.S. Ambassador to Kenya, Meg Whitman, visited the One Health Outreach, known as Kimormor, to better understand the USAID-funded programs in the county.

During her visit to Lomerugo–Nakalale Ward, the Ambassador met with the County Executives Dr Francis Mariao (Health and Sanitation) and of Faith Aletea (Water Services) to discuss the implementation of the outreach programme.

The outreach partner support included three USAID-funded programmes- USAID Imarisha Jamii, USAID Nawiri, and International Rescue Committee Core Group Partners’ Project.

“We are committed to continuing to support the provision of services human and animal health services,” said Ambassador Whitman.

She further added that she will explore business opportunities for investors to support the county in its pursuit of economic growth.

Dr. Mariao said that the county continues to receive support from partners and commended the USAID-funded programs for seeking to address the persistent acute malnutrition and improve livelihoods.

Senior County Officials present included Chief Officer for Medical Services Dr Gilchrist Lokoel and other staff from the departments of Water Services, Veterinary and Environment. Representative from Welthungerhilfe Kenya also attended the function.


13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024