Lodwar, 26th September 2022 (Governor’s Press Service)
Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai has called for immediate security response to Saturday’s massacre at Kamuge in Turkana East that left 11 dead.
In a press briefing yesterday on the state of insecurity in the county, the Governor urged the National Government to contain the insecurity situation as the spate of banditry attacks in several parts of Turkana County was getting out hand.
“I take this opportunity to condemn these heinous murders in no uncertain terms, and call on national security agencies to immediately respond and bring to justice these cold-blooded murderers.
“Residents of Turkana are tired of mourning deaths of their family members, victims of bandit terror that is getting out of hand with each murder that goes unpunished,” said the Governor in the statement to the media.
The Governor who had attended a thanksgiving mass at Holy Family Catholic Church Kanamkemer condemned the bandit attack in Kamuge,and called upon security personnel deployed in the region to change tact so as to combat the ever-increasing danger of bandit terror in North rift.
He said: “Incidents of police officers being killed by bandits while on duty in Turkana East have become too common and paint an alarming picture of the state of insecurity in the region. Security forces deployed to Turkana and across volatile regions in the North Rift need better support from the government to combat with the ever-increasing danger of bandit terror. Better intelligence gathering and speed in response will be key, as well as deployment of more specialized units to strategic areas to end the state of lawlessness.”
He asked President William Ruto to make true of his election pledge to restore the National Police Reservists to beef up security in the North Rift.
The County boss has directed the County Department of Disaster Management to move with speed, and
 implement emergency response to provide support to families affected as well as appealed to partner organizations and humanitarian agencies to join hands and support these efforts.
Professionals from Turkana East, among attended the press briefing where they joined the Governor in calls for immediate action to end the terror of bandits in the region.
Governor Napotikan was accompanied by First Lady Lilian Ekamais in the church service.
He thanked the Church for overwhelming support during the August general elections ,and further promised to support development plans of church institutions.
On alleged plans by EACC to arrest him, Governor Napotikan accused unnamed individuals of plotting against his leadership but assured the Catholic faithfuls of his commitment to deliver his campaign promises starting with improved water supply in Lodwar Municipality.
Acting County Chief Officer for Water Services James Lokwale briefed the church on the department plans to address water crisis by drilling more boreholes, rehabilitation of damaged infrastructure as well as elevation of tanks in water stress areas.

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