Dr. Michael Eregae
County Executive Committee Member

Dr. Michael Eregae
County Executive Committee Member
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com

James Illikwel
Chief Officer-Finance

James Illikwel
Chief Officer-Finance
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com

Samwel Ekaale Ekitela
Chief Officer- Economic Planning

Samwel Ekaale Ekitela
Chief Officer- Economic Planning
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com
The County Government is committed to ensuring that public offices are well managed and the y are cost effective in delivering quality service to the public in line with provisions of the Constitution of Kenya;
The County Government recognizes that, Departments hold a vital key in the implementation of County priority programmes and projects, other national priorities in order to improve the quality of lives of the people of Turkana County and make the County competitive;
The Ministry establishes the basis for ensuring that efficient and effective services are delivered to the people of Turkana County in line with the provisions of the Constitution and by requiring Departments to adapt systems that enable innovativeness and adaptability of public services to the needs of users. It represents basis for continuous performance improvement that meets the needs and expectations of the county residents.
The Mandate of the ministry is to provide efficient planning and financial services with the aim of promoting growth, development and prosperity to realize the full potential of Turkana County’s economy. Its responsibility to provide the required leadership indesigning suitable plans and strategies that will contribute to high and sustainable socio-economic development. The ministry has developed credible strategic plan that will deliver the desired goals and support the achievement of the agreed performance targets.
The Ministry has a total of 210 Staff. 147 are for Department of Finance and 63 staff for department of economic planning.
To be accountable to the public in providing efficient planning and financial services with the aim of promoting growth, development and prosperity to realize the full potential of Turkana County’s economy
To promote economic development, good governance, social progress and raising living standards through accountable, economic, efficient, equitable and sustainable management of Turkana County’s public finances to advance economic growth, broad-based empowerment, progressive realization of human rights and the elimination of poverty.
Core Values
The department embraces the following core values in service delivery;
1. People centred and transparency
2. Integrity and transparency
3. Professionalism and impartiality
4. Teamwork and consultation
5. Innovation and creativity
6. Public Participation in all our endeavours
The Mandate of the Department is to provide efficient planning and financial services with the aim of promoting growth, development and prosperity to realize the full potential of Turkana County’s economy.
Department of Finance Directorates;
1. General Administration, Planning and Support Services
2. Treasury/Accounting services
3. County Revenue
4. Supply Chain Management
5. Internal Audit
Department of Economic Planning Directorates;
1. Administration and Support Services
2. ICT and E-Government
3. County Economic Planning and Development
4. Monitoring and Evaluation
5. Budget
Strategic Objectives of the Ministry
1. To create enabling environment and enhance institutional efficiency and effectiveness
2. To strengthen and enhance effectiveness and efficiency of own source revenue collection.
3. To increase reliability, stability and soundness of the financial sector.
4. To Establish an efficient public procurement system
5. To Enhance internal transparency, accountability and prudent utilization of public resources
6. To Develop Quality, reliable, sustainable and Resilient infrastructure for economic development that provides universal and affordable access to the Internet and reduces operational cost
7. To strengthen policy formulation, planning, budgeting and implementation of the CIDP2023-2027.
8. To ensure timely collection, collation, analysis & dissemination of information suitable for decision making.
9. To enhance financial discipline and fiscal documents produce don statutory timelines/formats
10. To maintain quality data for evidence-based planning
1. Timely production of budget and statutory planning documents
2. Received funding from the Kenya Devolution Support Program (KDSP) to the tune of Kshs.187M to finance COVID response and development projects
3. Increased Collected Own Source revenue to 203 million
4. Rolled out WAN-Multi-Protocol Level Switching (MPLS) and interconnected all county entities.
5. Developed the County Indictor Hand book 2018-2022 through consultative stakeholders’ engagements
6. Construction of County Treasury, Waiting bay, Security house, Pit Latrine, Landscaping and level ling and Fencing.
7. Construction and completion of County Headquarters Office building.
8. Security Access Installation at the Treasury building 3 main entries.
9. Completion of Lokiriama Revenue Centre
10. Construction and Fitting of IFMIS Labat Headquarters
11. Construction and Completion of 5Citizen Resource centres
12. Construction of County Registry building at headquarters