Lodwar, 31st October 2022 (Governor’s Press Service)

The County Government plans to increase allocation to the Skills Development Fund to boost amount students receive as support for school fees.

Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai has stated that the current amount allocated to students was too little to have impact and promised to engage with the County Assembly to increase the fund.

“Students are getting a minimum of Sh3000, which is really too little to solve any fee problem. We want to increase the allocation from the current Sh384million to even twice the amount and we will have a discussion with MCAs on this” he said. 

The Governor was speaking today, when he launched the first phase of distribution of the fund to beneficiaries.  

In this phase, Sh186million will be distributed to 23,146 students from secondary schools, colleges, universities and other institutions of tertiary education drawn from across the county.

The Governor said he will engage MPs on proposal to harmonize all bursary allocations from the county, constituencies and other organizations supporting students, with intention to increase impact of all the support.

He thanked school heads for allowing students to study while the county fast tracked allocation of the fund. 

The County boss directed the County Department Education to disburse the remaining Sh197million and asked for consideration of students undertaking specialized courses which cost higher. He explained that the county was committed to grow the number of experts in specialized sectors to debunk myth that residents of the county were less educated.

He also directed the Department of Education to develop a database of students in secondary schools, universities and colleges to guide the next allocation.

The county boss used the opportunity to clarify misleading reports that the county had blacklisted a number of colleges from receiving the allocation, and stated that no applicant from accredited institutions will be locked out.

County Executive for Education Alexander Flemmings Losikiria announced that the Department will from tomorrow begin distribution of cheques to institutions. He asked head teachers to publish list of beneficiaries and retain students in schools while the county was working to distribute the second phase. 

Others who spoke are Chairman of the County Skills Development Secretariat Rev. Jackson Iruko, KNUT Turkana Executive Secretary Peter Ewaat and TUCUSA President Dominic Lotum, among others.

Senior County officials present include CEC for Finance Jeniffer Nawoi, County Solicitor and Ag. Chief Officer for the Office of the Governor Ruth Emanikor and Ag. Chief Officer for Education Stephen Eregae.

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