The County Planning Department today undertook public participation across Turkana to collect views on the Annual Development Plan (ADP) for the 2023/2024 financial year.

The Annual Development Plan sets out the county’s annual development priorities for the forthcoming financial year.

The exercise was undertaken in all sub counties, pursuant to provision of article 10 and 220(2) and  section 126(1-3) of the Public Finance Management Act 2012 which compels the County Government to collect public views on its ADP.

The ADP is projected to be worth Sh13 billion will align development focus with Governor Napotikan’s nine point development agenda, which prioritises water services, food security, development of the health sector, among other priorities.

The Plan has also factored in pending bills.

Residents who participated in the exercise called for completion of stalled projects, drilling of boreholes and solarization of the existing ones as well as strengthening of water infrastructure.

Other priorities proposed by residents include the timely supply of medical supplies to hospitals, recruitment of additional health care workers and construction of new health facilities in critical migratory routes.

People with Disabilities urged the County to increase its annual budgetary allocation for PWDs programmes while farmers called for enhanced extension and procurement of machinery as well as certified seeds to bolster food production.

Others called for completion of roads and resettlement schemes in insecurity-prone areas and increased ratio of relief food.

Acting Chief Officer for Tourism and Natural Resources Stella Toto led the team in Loima while Director for Budget Nicholas Maiyo led the exercise at Kakuma Resource Center in Turkana West Sub County.

In Turkana South, the exercise took place in Lokichar Ward Administrator’s office and drew participants from the five wards.

Acting Director for Planning Francis Lokwar assured residents that their views would be incorporated as the County Director for Culture Philip Lokaala presided over the exercise in Turkana East.

In his remarks, Director Lokwar said the Government valued the enormous contributions from residents as they shape up decision making and placement of various development projects. He urged them to prioritise meaningful programmes that once implementation will bring socio-economic impact in identified areas.

Acting Director for Monitoring and Evaluation John Ekaru presided over the public participation forum in Kibish while his assistant Michael Ekwanga led the Turkana North function that took place at Lokitaung Ward Administrator’s office.

Ag. Chief Officer for Trade, Gender and Youth Affairs Mark Amiyo chaired the Turkana Central public participation forum in the Lodwar Township Ward Administrator’s office, where participants raised concern over water crisis, roads construction and social protection programmes. Members of the public asked for an elaborate programme from the relevant County departments.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024