Nairobi, October 30, 2023 (Governor’s Press Service)

The National and County Governments will partner to enhance food security and livestock development in Turkana County.

Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai and Loima MP Protus Akuja today met the Cabinet Secretary for Agriculture and Livestock Development Mithika Linturi to discuss planned programmes in the sector by the National Government.

CS Linturi expressed a commitment to establish a state-of-the-art tannery in Loima and an export abattoir in Turkana West. He said the facilities are aimed at revolutionising the livestock industry, creating value addition and employment opportunities for residents.

The government will also establish new markets for livestock products, not only catering to local demand but also facilitating exports to countries such as the Middle East, Iran, Uganda, South Sudan, and Ethiopia.

In line with President William Ruto’s directives during the recent Turkana Cultural Festival, CS Linturi promised that ministry officials will visit Turkana County next month to explore and initiate collaborative development projects.

The National Government will also support the county to commercialise livestock farming to maximize profits for Turkana pastoralists.

In the meeting, the leaders agreed to collaborate to extend to animal disease control, with a specific focus on addressing tsetse fly infestations in parts of the county.

Additionally, a vaccine schedule will be established, enabling timely production and distribution. The Ministry will provide the necessary capacity building for county officials to effectively manage and control these diseases.

The Governor said Turkana County had a huge potential in livestock development and expressed hope that the collaboration will go a long way in developing this potential for the benefit of residents.

Other officials present in the meeting included Principal Secretary for Livestock Development Jonathan Mueke, Director of Veterinary Services, from the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Dr. Obadiah Njagi and Director for Liaison Joel Mwita.


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