The technical team from the Department of Planning visited a Citizen Resource Centre (CRC) that was under construction in Kalokol.
The Chief Officer for Economic Planning, Samuel Ekale led a team of Directors from his Department to Kalokol to find out the status of the project that was supposed to be completed last financial year.
Kalokol Resource Centre, sitting on 20-acre land, is among the 12 resource centres constructed by the County Government. Those at Katilu, Kerio, Kanamkemer, Lorugum, Kakuma, and Kaeris have so far been completed.
The Loareng’ak resource centre is partially complete while one at Lopuski in Lopur Ward is fully complete.
The National Government through the State Department of Planning had earlier constructed and later handed over Lokori, Lokichar, and Lokitaung CRCs to the County Government.
In total, the team disclosed that there are 12 citizen resource centers spread across the six sub-counties.
Chief Ekale said, “The concept to have citizen resource centers rolled out, was born out of the several public participation meetings held across the county with various stakeholders. The Centres will have a library, computer lab, printing and photocopying room, pitches for various games, and government documentation and services room.
The Planning Chief said, that once equipped and operationalized, the centers will be revolutionized to improve access to government information and services for the Turkana community.
The Ag. Director for Planning, Francis Lokwar said the library will be equipped with books for all levels. A computer laboratory will be wifi enabled.
He added that equipping of those Centres in Kanamkemer, Lopuski, Katilu, Lorugum, Kaeris, Kerio and Lowareng’ak is ongoing.
The Director for ICT and E-government, Isaac Eregae said the Kalokol and other resource centers, will benefit from the installation of the 500 wifi hotspots earmarked for public markets and centers across the County.
He said this enables the youth to do online business including cryptocurrency. Eregae noted, that it also enables local traders to share their products through Facebook, WhatsApp, and other online social network platforms.
The need to have internet connectivity in major social amenities, Director Eregae stated, is a result of the government has since digitized many services that were previously administered physically. And nowadays, he said, are accessible via e-citizen accounts, the new gateway to government services.
Evaristus Lokidap, Director for Administration in the Department said, together with other colleagues, plans are underway, to solarise all the CRCs to provide power to ease the delivery of services to the people.
After a general assessment of the Kalokol Resource Centre, The team was impressed that the works were 99% complete for use.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024