Katilu, March 12, 2024 (Public Communications and Media Relations)

County Government, through the Department of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, has finalised the rehabilitation and expansion of the Katilu Irrigation Scheme, paving the way for enhanced agricultural production by farmers.

During an inspection visit to the site, a team led by Chief Officer for Agriculture and Land Reclamation Jane rose Tioko declared the project completed after the contractor met all the requirements proposed by the project’s scope of works.

“The principal objective for the rehabilitation of the project is to facilitate the production of food and also contribute to the production of 300,000 bags of cereals to the realization of the food security agenda as envisioned by the Governor,” she said.

The project, whose scope of works included, bush clearing along main and sub-main canal corridors, construction of earth lined compacted canals, 10 division boxes complete with sluice gates and five bridges have been inspected awaiting handover to the community. The project is set to benefit 400 farmers covering 100 acres.

The CCO informed the farmers that the County Government would train them on the best farming practices as well as distribute seeds and pesticides.

These activities were to ensure the farmers benefit from the project thus leading to a county that is food self-sufficient aided by irrigated agriculture.

Chief Tioko also urged farmers to invest in groundnut farming as there is a high market demand for quality nuts.

While recognizing the pivotal role that irrigation plays in advancing the food security agenda, the CCO said that the Governor would commission the handover of the project to the community.

Sub-County Agricultural Officer Sammy Erumu raised concern for the invasive prosopis plant (Mathenge) as reducing the arable land and urged the farmers to assist the department to clear the bush. He also requested the farmers to keep livestock from accessing the scheme.

The CCO was accompanied by other department county officers and the area village administrator.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024