Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai joined residents of Turkana West in marking the annual World Water Day at Kakuma.

Governor Lomorukai said the celebration held profound significance for Turkana as it aligned closely with his administration first agenda on Water as a Universal Right.

He said the County Government had developed a transition plan to usher in urban and rural water companies to take up the management of all water supply schemes.

He announced that the County Government will waive existing water bills owed by residents.

The County boss, who was accompanied by First Lady Lillian Ekamais, commissioned the Nachurur Community Water Project which was jointly implemented with ISRAAID.

The project, which included the deflouridation water treatment plant will address water demand in Natir 2, Natir 1A, Natir 1B, Nakwangae, and Katiakngalup, benefiting over 804 households.

Governor Lomorukai outlined some of the significant projects in Turkana West that his administration is undertaking to ensure that households get access to water within a reasonable distance from their homes.

They include Kapetadie Water Project, Piping of Kakuma Water Supplies as well as drilling and equipping of boreholes in Kopeto, Kanakuring, Ngijawoi, and Nasinyono.

He announced that the County Government had completed a borehole in Kangisekona, rehabilitated and equipped boreholes in Teremkus/Elelea and Nawotom.

“I am proud to mention additional projects across the county which complement our efforts to foster peaceful co-existence and sustainable development, including the Lorogon borehole, Kakiteitei borehole, Natapar spring rehabilitation, and the Nalemsekon-Merikuka water project, valued at Sh25 million.” added the Governor.

Governor Lomorukai lauded development partners’ support in access to clean and safe water, stating that their collaboration in crucial initiatives was promoting water security and peaceful co-existence in Turkana.

Governor Lomorukai called for cohesion and asked UNHCR to address complaints raised by locals including cases of indiscipline by refugees.

Deputy Governor Dr John Erus affirmed his loyalty to the leadership of Governor Lomorukai and called for unity amongst leaders and professionals in Turkana in the transformation agenda.

Woman Representative Cecilia Ng’itit said the County Government had made great progress in increasing water access to residents of Turkana. She however asked for support from the National Government and UNHCR to attain universal water access in the County as it required alot of resources.

UNHCR Head of Sub-Office Nicolas Kaburaburyo acknowledged water inadequacy in both host community and refugee settlements. He stressed the need for development partners in Kakuma to collaborate early preparedness to handle disasters.

Water CECM Faith Aletea announced that a World Bank funded K-Wash programme was set for implementation to ease water access for host community and refugee in Kakuma and Kalobeyei.

The County Government has allocated Ksh 100 million in the next financial year as a matching fund for the implementation of the World Bank-funded K-Wash program, which seeks to improve water access for all.

Members of the County Assembly led by Leader of Minority Samwel Lomodo assured the Governor of their support towards attainment of the County Government’s development agenda.

He stated that the house will fastrack the Turkana County Local Content Bill, that seeks to provide for the promotion, development and enforcement of local content in all the sectors of the County’s economy.

Deputy County Secretary Joseph Nyang’a and County Executives David Erukudi (Trade), Peter Akono (Lands), and Patrick Losike (Roads) accompanied the Governor.

Chief Officers David Maraka (Water Services), Triza Amoni (Energy) and Chief of Staff Peter Loyapan were present.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024