Kapua, April 30, 2024 (Public Communication and Media Relations)

The County Government will allocate more resources for the Livestock Restocking Program for the pastoral communities negatively affected by climate change, resulting in prolonged drought and occasional flash floods, stated Deputy Governor Dr John Erus.

He made this statement while flagging off the restocking exercise of 342 goats for 114 households in the Kapua and Moruongor areas in Kalokol Ward, Turkana Central Sub-County. Each household received three goats.

The exercise, funded by Tearfund, is a collaborative effort between the County Government and Anglican Development Services (ADS) to enhance the early recovery of households affected by prolonged drought.

“We intend to allocate 200 million for livestock restocking to empower and revitalize the livestock value chain. This will help pastoralists achieve economic independence and resilience in the face of challenges such as drought and thefts by promoting food security and income generation,” DG Erus said.

He further added that the restocking would also include victims of bandit attacks who suffered losses due to livestock theft.

In response to pleas from residents for improved water supply, DG Erus directed the Department of Water Services to initiate the process of drilling a borehole to supply water to the school at En’gecel and the entire Kapua community.

CEC for Agriculture, Livestock Development, and Fisheries Dr Anthony Apalia appreciated ADS for their support, which he said would enhance productivity in tandem with the county’s goal of food sufficiency.

He further urged the rangeland management committees of Kapua and Moruongor to provide effective management by proactively protecting rangelands for pasture.

“In times of increased rains and floods, be vigilant and report cases of livestock diseases for the county government to respond in time,” said the CEC.

The ADS Director, Peter Nyorsok, noted that the six-month project aimed at early recovery after the prolonged drought. Apart from the restocking activity, Nyorsok added that the organization has also distributed seeds for pasture and 2000 chicks to 400 households in Kalokol Ward.

“The project has also provided food aid to schools and support to livestock farmers through improved sanitation facilities at Kapua Livestock Sale Yard,” he said.

Directors Bobby Ewoi (Livestock Production), Joram Ewoton (Administration), ADS North Rift representatives, the Area Chief, and the Village Administrator were in attendance.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024