Turkana County economy is highly dependent on the natural resource base, and thus is highly vulnerable to climate variability and change. Rising temperatures and changing rainfall patterns, resulting in increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as droughts and flooding, threaten the sustainability of the County’s development. Among the most vulnerable regions in Kenya are the arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs) or simply referred to as the drylands. Due to high poverty rates, changing socioeconomic and political circumstances and demographic growth, traditional coping strategies are increasingly becoming insufficient. Further, the increased frequency of extreme events is not allowing them time to recuperate after such shocks. To safeguard sustainable development, the County Government of Turkana has developed this Climate Change Policy 2021, Climate Change Act 2021 and Climate Change Fund regulations 2021 to provide a clear and concise articulation of overall response priorities to climate variability and change. Climate change adversely impacts critical sectors that are important to the County economy and society: Environment, Water and Forestry; Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries; Trade; Extractive Industries; Energy; Physical Infrastructure; Tourism; and Health. This policies and legal frameworks, therefore, elaborates intervention measures that can help to achieve the goal of low carbon climate-resilient development. The Policy, Act and Fund regulations focuses on the three key climate change outcomes: Adaptation, mitigation and financial mechanism for implementation of the climate change actions.
Government Financing Locally Led Climate Action (G-FLLoCA)
G-FLLOCA program was launched by the National Treasury and Planning in June 2020 with the aim of delivering locally-led climate resilience actions and strengthening county and national government’s capacities to manage climate risks.
Aims to mobilize $USD 1 Billion between 2020-2030 for Climate Action

G-FLLoCA Components
- Component 1: Policy, Legal and Regulatory Framework – strengthen the Policy, legal and regulatory framework at national and county level and the establishment and strengthening of relevant structures to implement the Program.
- Component 2: Capacity Building – strengthening both human and institutional capacities at national, county and community levels. Strengthening systems and processes of relevant institutions to support the delivery of the program goal and objectives.
- Component 3: Climate Finance- Architecture of climate finance – decentralized climate finance
- Component 4: Community Led Actions – building the resilience of local communities considering the local context, capacities, resources, and knowledge as a way of ensuring that investments align with the priorities
- Component 5: Technology and Innovation – improving access to appropriate and indigenous technologies in support of climate resilient development at national, county and community level
- Component 6: Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV+)– aimed at tracking, verification and reporting on the climate finance and of the Program
Talk to us

Email Address:;
Phone Call/WhatsApp & Text Messages: +254702224066
Physical Address:
1. Headquarters
Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Natural Resources and Climate Change
Former Oxfam Gb Compound,
Along Robert Junction – Nabulon Road,
Opposite Fenamo Restaurant.
P.O. Box 11 – 30500,
2. Ward Administrator’s Office
All 30 wards in Turkana County