Lodwar, October 31, 2022 (Governor’s Press Service)

Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai today hosted members of the Presidential Working Party on Education Reform task-force, led by Prof. Raphael Munavu, who are in Turkana for public engagement on the education system.

The team, appointed by President William Ruto, are visiting counties as part of their mandate to evaluate the country’s Education system and come up with recommendations. 

They are expected to conduct public participation forums and will meet with education sector stakeholders.

Governor Lomorukai welcomed the team to Turkana and added that, like the rest of Kenyans, residents of Turkana were ready to give their views on the state of education and the suitability of the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC).

He stated his preference for the old system of education, and decried the lack of public participation prior to the adoption of CBC. He said the system had to be relooked and commended the Ruto administration for establishing the task-force. 

The county boss said the system was not suited for rural Kenya due to its many demands thus contributing to inequality in access to education. 

On challenges facing the education sector, the Governor mentioned insecurity along border regions and highlighted recent bandit attacks in Kainuk and Napeitom which had affected learning in schools. 

He asked the task-force to include recommendation for counties to be allowed to support other sectors of education not under their mandate, including supporting development of infrastructure such as building classrooms in primary schools.

On university education, the Governor asked the government to fast-track accreditation of Turkana University College as a public university, which will ensure growth of the institution. 

On ECD, the County boss insisted that while the sector was devolved, resourced for its development still remained with the national government and asked the task-force to recommend that resources allocated to the sector follow the functions.

He expressed hope that his views and those from residents of Turkana will form part of recommendations the team will submit to the president.

Prof. Munavu said the public engagement was key to understand public views on the state of education. He added that it was critical that the education system in Kenya made all children to feel that they were part of the country.

He agreed that every child in Kenya had a fundamental right to education. He informed the Governor that the team will visit schools before holding the public forums on Tuesday. 

Senior County staff in the meeting included County Executive for Education Alexander Flemmings Losikiria, Chief of Staff Peter Yoromoe, Ag. Chief Officer for Education Stephen Eregae, Director ECDE Samuel Eregae among others.

Other members of the taskforce present included Prof. David Some, Dr. Richard Githinji, Anthony Sitienei, Salome Eyangan, Dr. Reuben Nthamburi among others.

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