Turkana County Public Service Board has today commenced the issuance of 200 appointment letters to pave the way for the entry of interns into the County Public Service.

Raphael Nyasio, the Ag Secretary to the Board said that the successful candidates will serve for six months in line with the County Internship Policy and will be exited on 31st May 2023 to pave the way for yet another set of interns.

The Ag CEO explained that the candidates had been selected from a total of 1744 applicants and added that the shortlist had 353 candidates.

“The schedule for the issuance of appointment letters has been organized concerning sub-counties that commenced with Turkana Central on 21st November and will end with Turkana North on 24th November 2022,” Nyasio said.

Mr. Nyasio added that the entire board had participated in the recruitment process and explained that the recruits will be deployed to all County Government departments for exposure to work experience and sharpening of skills.

The appointment comes at a time when Governor Lomorukai has pronounced himself on the commitment of the County Government to building the capacity of the youth for future employment in the Government and private sectors.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024