Kakuma, 30th November 2022 (Governor’s Press Service)– The Government will not back down in the pursuit of bandits and the financiers of cattle rustling, Cabinet Secretary for Interior and National Administration Kithure Kindiki has stated.

Speaking today in Kakuma, during a meeting with security personnel drawn from different departments of the National Police Service, CS Kindiki promised to crush banditry by making cattle rustling a painful experience.

“The way we dealt with terrorism is the way we will neutralize cattle rustling and banditry because it has led to suffering and loss of life,” he said

The tough-talking Cabinet Secretary declared all-out war with criminals and said that the Government had taken offence that daring bandits had the audacity to kill uniformed police officers who were providing law and order in the county.

He reiterated his commitment to work with all stakeholders to bring normalcy in disturbed areas of the country and gave an ultimatum for armed bandits to abandon the vice or face the full force of the law.

The Cabinet Secretary acknowledged that his office was aware of the ongoing recruitment of the National Police Reservists but called for sobriety in the process to ensure that reservists picked provide the necessary support to the other regular police officers.

He announced plans by the National Government to develop a policy that will empower the National Government Administration Officers (NGAOs).

On his part, Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai raised concern that the rampant insecurity in parts of Turkana South and Turkana East Sub Counties had paralyzed learning activities with the latest being killing of a college student in Kainuk.

He reiterated his administration’s commitment to work with the National Government to champion the peaceful coexistence of communities in Turkana borders and called for fast-tracking of recruitment of NPRs in Turkana South and Loima Sub Counties.

He notified the Cabinet Secretary of Peace Building engagement that had been undertaken along the international border with one of the peace dividends being the recovery of 461 livestock by the Government of Uganda. The livestock had been stolen from the Turkana community.

Others who spoke included County Assembly Speaker Christopher Nakuleu and County Commissioner Jacob Ouma.

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