Kakuma, 12th December 2022 (Governor’s Press Service)– Turkana leaders have praised the decision by Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai to hold national holidays celebrations on rotational basis across the county.

Speaking today during Jamhuri Day celebrations held at the Baraza Park in Kakuma town, Governor Lomorukai said the move was a commitment of the County Government to implement devolution and give residents a sense of belonging as citizens.

He said: “This decision is in line with the spirit of devolution, to bring government closer to the people. We hope this will contribute to our people’s sense of belonging as citizens of Kenya. My administration will continue with this tradition in subsequent national holidays.”

The Governor said Turkana leaders were in agreement on the importance of unity.

“We have agreed to foster unity among leaders and its not with hypocrisy. I am ready to work with all leaders including Speaker Nakuleu. Our target is to ensure Turkana County is united to address issues affecting our people,” he added.

The County boss announced that distribution of relief food for Turkana West will begin tomorrow and stated that his commitment to coordinate relief distribution was meant to address previous cases of pilferage of food commodities.

To secure employment opportunities for Turkana professionals in the national government, the Governor said Turkana leaders will push for more recognition from President Ruto.

Governor Lomorukai commended the National Government for its commitment to address insecurity in Turkana and the directive to deploy 630 National Police Reservists (NPR). He said the move will improve security in banditry prone areas of the county.

He promised to visit victims of recent bandit attacks in Turkana East in the company of the County Commissioner.

Governor Napotikan announced plans to hold a joint forum for development partners to review programmes and later sign MoUs with the County Government on their implementation.

He revealed that UNHCR had heed calls from the County Government and leaders to implement the 70%-30% employment ratio for local residents.

As part of implementation of the Universal Health Coverage, the Governor said the county will allocate funds from next year to enrol 16,000 residents every year to the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF). He explained that the enrolment will enhance access to affordable and quality healthcare.

Governor Lomorukai promised to ensure gender fairness in recruitment of Chief Officers, with at least seven positions. He agreed with calls from women representatives for better inclusion of women in peace programmes, but asked women groups to register under one umbrella for better inclusion.

Deputy Governor Dr. John Erus told residents that Governor Lomorukai had begun to implement his vision for Turkana. He assured the electorate of the administration’s commitment to deliver on all its pre-election pledges.

County Commissioner Jacob Ouma commended Turkana leaders for the close collaboration with his office and assured that all were free to inform him on issues affecting residents including drought and insecurity.

“You and I are going to make Turkana great. I did not come here to stay in my car or vehicle. I want to be remembered when I leave, that Jacob Ouma was here. I am available, I am approachable and we are committed to working for the people of Turkana,” he said. 

Turkana West MP Epuyo Nanok lauded the move to rotate the celebrations to different Sub-counties. He called for an end to divisive politics and echoed Governor Napotikan’s clarion call for unity of purpose.

On his part, Speaker Christopher Nakuleu noted that rotation of national day celebrations had achieved the spirit of devolution of decentralising services closer to the people. He assured residents that the County Assembly had unanimously agreed to work with Governor Napotikan to enable him achieve his vision for the county.

Others who spoke include Former Senate Speaker Ekwee Ethuro, Woman Representative Cecilia Ngitit and MCAs led by Majority Leader Stephen Edukon.

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