Lodwar, 13th January 2023 (Governor’s Press Service)– Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai today attended the first County Interdenominational Prayer Meeting at the Ekaales Centre, organised by religious leaders from the county.

During his speech, the Governor expressed his hope for positive change in the county over the next five years.

“As we start this year with prayer, I have hope for Turkana that in the next five years, our county will change. Our youth will have access to capital for business, we will be able to carry out development projects across the county and improve livelihoods for residents,” he said.

He also acknowledged the ongoing challenges facing the county, specifically mentioning the prolonged drought and rising instances of banditry along the border with West Pokot and Baringo Counties.

The Governor emphasized the importance of the annual prayer day, which he had promised to set aside during the campaigns. He supported a proposal by religious leaders, to set January 11th every year the prayer meeting.

He called on residents to pray for peace and for God to bring rain to the county, which would help to address the effects of the drought and enable pastoralists to stay in their home County.

Governor Napotikan also pledged to support the gospel ministry of churches in Turkana and to collaborate with religious leaders on development programmes.

Other leaders who spoke in the meeting were County Commissioner Jacob Ouma, Deputy Governor Dr John Erus, Turkana South MP Ariko Namoit and former Turkana Central MP John Lodepe.

The prayer meeting was also attended by a host of MCAs, and senior county officials among them County Executive Committees Members and a host of Chief Officers.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024