The County Executive for Education, Sports and Social Protection Leah Audan has asked Turkana Vocational Education Training Centres (VTC)s to be innovative and creative in supporting the centre to attract more students for increased enrollment.

During a consultative managers meeting of VTCs on utilization and absorption of the subsidised training centres support grant (SVTCG) for the financial year 21/22 and 22/23 which was recently released to the VETs accounts,the County executive tasked the Managers to be proactive and develop concepts that can be defended at the cabinet level for successful outcomes.

The conditional grant seeks to improve the enrollment and retention of trainees in VTC by providing a capitation of Kenya shillings 15,000 per student annually. This will ensure that youths and other disadvantaged groups have access towards acquisition of skills that can enable them earn a living.

The County Executive challenged the Managers to solicit for resources through proposal writing to stakeholders affiliated to their objectives for the sustainability of their centres.

“Encourage girls to do tough technical courses too for them to equally compete in Job markets. Don’t forget the disabled youths in this programme too as they can benefit from the grant and learn a skill that can help them as well”, she said.

The Ag.Chief officer for VETs and Sports Stephen Eregae congratulated the managers for the improved  enrollment of trainees from 837 to 2016.

He told Managers to use practicable modes of encouraging student trainees to pay their school fees.

The Government is planning to buy beddings so as to encourage trainees who come from far to board in these centres.

“Its an achievement that all our 8 VTCs have been accredited; now we can enroll students from other places too,” he said.

The Accountant General who is also the Acting Director for finance advised the managers on the importance of documenting all their expenditure and following the right procurement channels. He further advised them to write comprehensive reports that would influence the eventual increment of what you are receiving now.

John Karanja (principal youth training officer ),Mike Ekusi (Educations Senior Accountant), Mark Arus ( Senior youth training officer), Charles Lomanat (youth  training  officer ),Immaculate Egielan (social welfare officer),Chris Etoot (Lodwar VTC administrator) and the 8 managers of the various VTCs were present.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024