Thousands of residents and livestock of Kakiteitei village, Kapedo Napeitom ward in Turkana East are set to benefit from water access following the completion of a new borehole with a daily yield of up to 32,000 litres of water if pumped for eight hours.

The project was part of Governor Lomorukai pledges to the area as a strategy for pacifying pastrolists communities by increasing capacity of the existing water infrastructure and help reduce competition for the precious resource.

Faith Aletia, the Water Services CEC said that the new water infrastructure in the volatile area was fully financed by the County Government and dully executed by the departments’ drilling unit after a successful hydrological survey.

CEC Aletia noted that tye increased population in the area was as a result of displacement of populations from neighbouring areas due to sporadic bandit attacks hence the pressure on the existing hand pump whose yield was significantly lesser.

“The hydrological survey revealed availability of sufficient water resources from two locations. We have so far drilled the first one as a rapid response as the other site has been marked for future works.” CEC Aletia explained.

Noting that the area had a history of insecurity, CEC Aletia lauded the sacrifice of the drilling team of up to 20 staff members and thanked tye locals for providing them with security and company during the ten days of drilling and test pumping.

“I can also confirm that two additional storage facilities will be deployed to the area to increase to serve the human population and watering of animals.” CEC Aletia said.

The CEC further explained that the 100 meters deep borehole had been sufficiently capped and fully installed with standard gauge casings for durability and protection.

On his part, chief officer Simon Etom said that the borehole was an indicator of the Government’s commitment to resolving the water access challenges across Turkana.

Chief Etom said that the staff were sufficiently motivated by the success of the process bearing in mind that the move would not only reduce conflict in the area but also save the local population the long 38 kilometres walk to Kerio River towards Lokori to water their animals.

Engineer Opuru said that the engineering design used in drilling the borehole would allow for further installations and connectivity to solar pumping devices for the benefit of the community.

Engineer Opuru noted that the 4000 hourly yield had been tested and confirmed yesterday night after successful test pumping exercise. To this extent, Engineer Opuru said that the borehole is therefore classified as medium yielding with 4 cubic meters per hour.

The new borehole comes at a time when when the county has stepped up operation and maintenance initiatives to restore broken down boreholes to normal operations amid the biting drought that has persisted for the last two years.

At the same time, CEC Aletia said that the county was looking forward to two additional boreholes in Turkana Central in the next few weeks.

According to Mzee Moses Ekwee, a local community leader, animals were already drinking the test pumping water that was flowing freely near the drilling area. He lauded that Governor for keeping his promise and appreciated the water ministry for continuous water trucking during the drilling period.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024