The County Executive Committee Member for Trade, Gender and Youth Affairs, Elizabeth Loote has persuaded the investors within and outside the Country to make Turkana County their global competitive investment and trading hub of choice in the greater East African region.
CEC Loote was speaking during an investment promotion meeting in Lokichar where technical officers from the key County Departments were involved in strategising how to attract, service and retain investors in a move to lure them to invest in Turkana.
“We have deliberately put in place a working investment portal system ( with IFC support as a strategy for investment promotion in a move to promote, facilitate, and retain both domestic and foreign direct investments in the County”. Said CEC.
Further, she said that legal framework to support Investment Promotion in Turkana County is already developed.
“Investment Promotion Corporation Bill 2022 is geared towards articulating a viable investor protection framework that fits into best practice on the investor attraction, facilitation and retention”. Stated CEC Loote.
The legal team in the County Attorney’s office took time to take the technical officers through the draft IP Corporation Bill 2022 before it is finalised.
On his part, Taneem Ahad, IFC Operations Officer underscores that the IFC has been a technical partner in the formulation of the draft Investment Promotion Corporation Bill 2022.
“As IFC, we have also provided advisory services to the design and implementation of Turkana Investment Portal in an attempt to attract much needed private investment in the County”. Ahad emphasised.
Going forward, we are expecting that the County Government will launch the portal and pass the Bill to promote investment and create jobs in Turkana County.
Dr. Michael Eregae (CECM, Finance and Economic Planning), Patrick Losike (CECM, Infrastructure,Transport and Public Works), Peter Lomorukai (Chief Officer, Health & Sanitation), John Korikel (Ag. Chief Officer, Infrastructure, Transport and Public Works), Ruth Emanikor (County Solicitor), Yoromoe Peter (Chief of Staff), Dr.Richard Ekai (Economic Advisor to the Governor), James Lokwale (Director, Trade), Wilson Ejie (Deputy Director, Trade), Jane Ebenyo (Principal legal officer), Michael Musyoki, Gideon Angelei, Ekeno Samwuel and Damaris Kimani-Trade, Robert Naweet, Washington Malala-ICT and Michael Aupe (PA to Deputy Governor).
IFC team comprised of; Felix Kariuki (Consultant), Andrii Palianytsia (Consultant) Peter Lolem (KKCF Liaison Officer), Fatma Kassim (Program Assistant).
Edith Ingutia (Assistant Livelihoods Officer) and Collins Naweet RSD Associate) was the team from UNHCR.