County of Health and Sanitation held a two-day forum with twenty-five of its partner organisations to deliberate on improving coordination as they jointly implement projects and programs that lead to greater healthcare outcomes.

The aim of the forum was to bring together the county government and health partners in order avoid duplication of programs and projects in the same locations so as to efficiently and effectively utilise resources. The event was attended by senior county government health officials and over 40 partner representatives.

During the forum, the Health and Sanitation County Executive Committee Member (CECM) Dr. Anthony Apalia reminded the participants that health was a constitutional right therefore all stakeholders had an important role to play.

“We [county government and partners] should collaborate, engage and communicate with each other as it is the only way to achieve this constitutional right as well as the Governor’s sixteen-point Health Agenda,” he said.

Presenting the sixteen-point agenda, the County Chief Officer of Preventive and Promotive Health Peter Lomorukai stressed that the governor was keen on delivery his health agenda and recognised the key role of partners in achieving his vision.

“Health is a fully devolved function, the department’s staff makes up three quarters of the entire county staff and it is a yardstick for any governor’s performance,” he said.

Some of the agenda’s points CCO Lomorukai presented included upgrading level two facilities, establishing primary healthcare (PHC) facilities and implementing Universal Healthcare (UHC). For the upgrading Lodwar County Referral Hospital from a four level to six, the CCO pointed out that partners were expected to support.

Director of Health Administration and Partnerships, Nancy Kinyonge, appreciated the partners and county health team for their participation. She also emphasised, to the partners, to constantly engage the county government particularly by sharing their monthly workplans to facilitate coordination.

In his closing remarks, CECM reminded the partners of the governor’s request to first consider the locals in their recruitment as employment opportunities arise.

The participants praised the efforts of the County Health Department in bringing together the different stakeholders in the health sector. By working together, there was hope that health outcomes in Turkana County can be improved and that the needs of residents can be better served.

The partner organisations presented were USAID Imarisha Jamii, Save the Children, Concern Worldwide Kenya, UNHCR Kenya, USAID Nawiri, World Relief Kenya, World Vision Kenya, Isra Aid, Adra Kenya, Kenya Red Cross, Malteser International, Feed the Children, International Rescue Committee, Diocese of Lodwar, Peace Winds Japan, AIC Health Ministries, Apese Ere, PanAfricare Kenya and Vétérinaires Sans Frontières (VSF).

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