The partnership between the County Government of Turkana with USAID and its 13 implementing partners has seen them conduct the first field visit this year purposely meant for joint learning and integration in Turkana.

In her opening remarks, County Executive Committee Member for Trade, Gender and Youth Affairs, Elizabeth Loote, acknowledged partner’s support and alignment of their programmes to the Governor’s nine-point agenda, and huge investment partners have put in Turkana on various priority areas.

“As government, we express our commitment to work jointly with USAID and other partners in Turkana in ensuring Turkana is a success story now and in future”, Said CEC Loote.

On joint field visit, CEC said there is need to monitor the projects    jointly implemented on the ground so as to learn lessons and at the same time, identify best replicable practices and procedures that can be shared for learning across board.

She insisted that joint monitoring of projects is critical to avoid duplication of activities and concentration of partners in one sector serving the same beneficiaries.

Samson Logiel, who represents the USAID Resilience Learning Activity (RLA) in Turkana said the joint field learning event is part of the mission that is aimed at assessing the project progress and documenting lessons learned for sharing with stakeholders.

“The Partnership for Resilience and Economic Growth (PREG) joint learning session provides an opportunity for the new county leadership and USAID implementing partners in building resilience of communities in Turkana County not only towards shocks and stresses in the face of the climate change but also to understand how the multi-sectoral planning has enhanced collaboration, evidence-based programming, and reduced duplications”. Stated Logiel.

Additionally, Logiel said the two-day event provides an opportunity for the stakeholders to appreciate the field experiences and have engagement with beneficiaries in Longech and St.Mary’s dispensaries, Katiko, Kalokol BMU Sacco, Victoria foods in Loropio

The Turkana PREG joint learning session will be hosted by RLA through the USAID/Partnership for Resilience coordination mechanism and in partnership with the County Government of Turkana and Lokado a local organisation that is partnering with RLA for this initiative.

The joint operation includes stakeholders from the County Government, and USAID implementing partner (IPs).

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024