Lodwar, 2nd March 2023 (Governor’s Press Service)-Turkana Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai has pledged his support for newly recruited Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) teachers to ensure they provide quality services.

The Governor made this commitment during the official closing of an induction workshop for 75 ECDE teachers who will be posted to centres across the county. Governor Lomorukai highlighted the crucial role these teachers will play in establishing a strong foundation for children’s education and called on them to maintain their integrity and respect their pupils and families.

“We will support you, and in the future, the County Government will plan so that you have motorbikes for easy movement and good housing,” said the Governor. He urged the Ministry of Education to strengthen supervision, motivate the teachers and identify gaps to improve teaching in the centres.

The Governor acknowledged the insufficient infrastructure in ECDE centres and pledged to invest in improving the facilities’ quality. He also commended the County Public Service Board for a transparent recruitment process.

County Executive for Education, Sports, and Social Protection Leah Audan assured the teachers of the Ministry’s commitment to training and supporting them. “We will put resources for your education and training on CBC and other matters critical for your effective service delivery,” she said.

Chairman of the County Assembly Committee on Education Aemun Michael urged the teachers to report to their designated centres and be diligent in their work.

Ag. Chief Officer for Education Janerose Tioko thanked the Governor for recruiting the 75 ECDE teachers, describing it as part of the Governor’s plan to revitalize education through an increase in the number of qualified human resources.

Other officials who addressed the teachers were Kang’atotha MCA Matthew Alany, Director for ECDE Samwel Eregae, TCPSB Commissioner Maj (Rtd) Dr Daniel Ingolan, and Knut official Peter Ewaat. TCPSB CEO Francisca Bartoo and Chief of Staff Peter Yoromoe among other senior staff were also present at the event.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024