In a bid to promote quality healthcare services in Turkana County, the County Executive Committee Member (CECM) of Health and Sanitation, Dr Anthony Apalia, has begun conducting supportive supervision exercises with Turkana North and Kibish Sub-Counties as the first stop.

Accompanied by the Deputy Director of Health Administration and Partnerships, Nancy Kinyonge, and USAID Imarisha Jamii’s Chief of Party Dr Chris Barasa, Dr Apalia visited several healthcare facilities to assess their management systems and identify challenges that may be hindering their effectiveness.

Speaking during the exercise, Dr Apalia emphasized the importance of supportive supervision in promoting quality healthcare services in Turkana County. He stated that the exercise was part of the Governor’s commitment to ensuring that all residents have access to quality healthcare services, regardless of their location.

“There is a need to streamline management areas such staff rotations to ensure service delivery is uninterrupted rationalisation as a solution to equitable deployment of staff as per the workload of a facility,” he said.

On her part, Deputy Director Nancy encouraged the facility heads to reach out, through the office of the CECM or Health and Sanitation County Chief Officer, for support from partners operating in their locations.

“We have noted that the sub-county and facility management teams need to strengthen their feedback mechanisms to the county health leadership, especially when facing challenges,” she said.

Dr Barasa focused on the importance of data collection, analysis and entry of the same into the Kenya Health Information System (KHIS) so as to assist in planning and lobbying for additional resources and support.

At Lokitaung Sub-county Hospital, he also toured the theatre that had been earmarked for renovations to cater for maternal healthcare related surgeries. The renovation will be a joint undertaking between the county government and USAID Imarisha Jamii.

“Currently, mothers with complications have to be referred to Lodwar County Referral Hospital which over is 150 kilometres away,” he said.

The supportive supervision exercise received positive feedback from facility in-charges and appreciated the efforts and commitment made by the county government to support them and improve their performance.

Dr Apalia was able to also meet with USAID Imarisha Jamii and World Relief Kenya teams who support some of the health facilities in the sub-county and Kibish.

The health facilities visited were Lokitaung and Kaikor Sub-County Hospitals, Lowerangek Health Centre and Ekicheles, Kaaleng, Lomii, Nakakuridio, and Mlimatatu Dispensaries.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024