Lodwar, 6th May 2023 (Governor’s Press Service)

Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai this morning graced the launch of Jalinga Ekai Alfred’s book, “Poyoo Alo Turkan,” held at the Lodwar Vocational Training Centre.

During the event, the Governor extended his heartfelt congratulations to the author, praising his unwavering dedication and creative prowess in producing such a remarkable literary work.

In his address, Governor Lomorukai emphasized the significance of Jalinga’s book, which fills a void in the creative sector, hitherto plagued by a lack of such literary gems.

“I congratulate Jalinga for his exceptional effort and remarkable creativity. The scarcity of books like these has been felt since the 1980s, leaving us devoid of any archives to draw from. This book not only provides an avenue for artistic expression but also offers a means for earning a livelihood,” the Governor said.

The Governor acknowledged Jalinga’s remarkable talent as a musician and renowned author, highlighting his pursuit of excellence in both fields. The Governor extended his gratitude to the esteemed members of the Turkana Council of Elders for their role as the custodians of the community’s knowledge and customs.

The folktales contained within the book evoked fond memories from the Governor’s childhood, as he reminisced about stories narrated by his grandparents.

Furthermore, the county boss pledged his unwavering support to Jalinga, urging residents to purchase copies of the book and distribute them widely among schools across the county.

“By encouraging the author through book purchases, we can ensure the continuation of his literary journey. We must make these books readily available in schools, as they encompass a wealth of knowledge, ranging from various foods to different tree species and an array of other valuable information,” the Governor advocated.

In addition, the Governor urged the County Ministry of Education to spearhead initiatives that support research and facilitate the creation of similar literary works. He assured his continued collaboration and support for the Turkana Council of Elders.

Notable attendees included MCAs Ruth Kuya (Lodwar Township), Lawrence Lopayo (Lokiriama/Lorengippi), Matthew Alany (Kangathota), and Eliud Emoni (Kakuma) as well as members of the council of Turkana elders.

Woman Representative Cecilia Asinyen Ngitit took the opportunity to challenge the county to prioritize investments in education. She underscored the importance of adapting to climate change by equipping residents with the necessary skills for improved livelihoods.

“A recent research has revealed that Turkana is lagging in terms of education, and we eagerly await action from the government to rectify this situation. We ask Dr Ezekiel Mochogu, the CS for Education, to visit Turkana so that we may share our vision with him. We implore the government to allocate double the resources for education, enabling us to be on par with other counties,” she stated.

She further urged students from Turkana to embrace their challenging backgrounds, work diligently, and persevere in their education to transform their lives positively.

At the event were County Executives Leah Audan (Education), David Erukudi (Agriculture), and Peter Akono (Lands).

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