ELDORET: 12th May 2023 (Governor’s Press Service)

The North Rift Economic Bloc (NOREB) summit, led by Chairman Governor of Nandi Stephen Sang, convened in Eldoret where they signed a cooperation agreement among the eight NOREB member counties. The agreement aims to activate a NOREB Bill, providing a legal framework for the bloc after more than five years without one.

NOREB seeks to leverage the diverse economies of the region by fostering intra-regional trade and joint investments. The bloc aims to strengthen the North Rift Partner counties known for pastoralism, tourism, agriculture, logistics, education, health, sports, ICT, and natural resources.

The region’s varied climatic conditions present opportunities for producing a wide range of products and services, but challenges like drought, climate change, insecurity, and cattle rustling persist. To address these issues, joint ventures and collaborative efforts are necessary.

NOREB envisions creating a Haven of Economic Prosperity by enhancing economic, social, and cultural integration, trade, investment, tourism, competitiveness, and economies of scale while leveraging individual county strengths. It will act as a one-stop shop for investors and align with national economic policies to drive growth and transform lives.

Under the sector approach model, each county will champion a specific sector such as trade, health, ICT, blue economy, livestock, agriculture, peace, climate change, sports, education, infrastructure, youth, and gender.

The summit also discussed banditry and peace in the region. In complement to the ongoing security operation, the NOREB Governors announced a Peace Summit scheduled for June 8th and 9th. The summit aims to develop a common approach to long-term peace through the participation of political and community leaders and development actors. It seeks to address the underlying causes of conflicts and establish sustainable remedies.

Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai expressed optimism about the cooperation agreement and the Peace Summit, emphasizing the significance of joint efforts in promoting economic growth and peace in the North Rift region. He highlighted the potential of collaboration to overcome challenges and create a prosperous future for all.

Accompanying the Governor were Speaker Christopher Nakuleu, County Secretary Peter Eripete and County Attorney Erastus Ethekon.

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