Wednesday, 31st May 2023 (Governor’s Press Service)– Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai presided over the launch and distribution of fishing equipment and handling facilities today in Kalokol, Turkana Central Sub-County.

The equipment, valued at Ksh.44.6 million, is part of the County Government’s initiative to promote the fish value chain and reduce post-harvest losses. The fishing gear was procured by the County Government and supported by the Emergency Locust Response Program (ELRP) and the Agriculture Sector Development Support Programme Phase Two (ASDSP II).

In his speech, Governor Lomorukai emphasized that the government was providing fishing gear as part of a fisheries support program for residents who rely on Lake Turkana as their primary source of livelihood.

The County leader assured transparency in the delivery of the remaining fishing equipment and urged the people of Kalokol to support the government’s efforts to combat illegal under-sized fishing and protect fishing breeding habitats.

Recognizing the water challenges faced by many parts of the County, Governor Lomorukai stated that his administration is committed to alleviating the burden by drilling additional boreholes that are safe for human and livestock use.

“My objective is to ensure that Kalokol residents have access to sufficient water, either through the equalization fund or the County’s annual budget. As a government that prioritizes its people, we are focused on ensuring water availability for all residents of Turkana,” he said.

Governor Lomorukai expressed his gratitude to the residents of Kalokol for their overwhelming support during the last general election and promised to repay their trust by utilizing public resources appropriately and initiating development projects.

The Governor emphasized that Turkana County has abundant resources that, if fully utilized, can bring about meaningful change and development. He identified corruption and misuse of public resources as obstacles to progress.

David Erukudi, the County Executive for Agriculture, Livestock Development, and Fisheries, explained the department’s goals for the fishing community and reiterated the government’s commitment to ending illegal under-sized fishing.

Other elected leaders, including County Assembly Majority Leader Stephen Edukon, expressed their support for the government’s efforts to crack down on illegal under-sized fishing and regulate fishing activities in Lake Turkana.

Other MCAs who spoke included Michael Apem (Kalokol), Mathew Alany (Kangatotha), David Ekod (Kerio-Delta), Dedan Kalimapus (Nakalale), Etubon Samal (Katilu) and Michael Egialan (Lakezone).

Senior County Government officials present included County Chief Officers Dr Ezekiel Etelej (Livestock Development) Evans Lomodei (Fisheries) and Janerose Tioko (Agriculture); Ag Directors  Namwaya David (Fisheries) and Victor Lochee (Agriculture) as well as ASDSP County Coordinator Bonface Okita.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024