Lodwar, 1st June 2023 (Governor’s Press Service)– Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai today presided over the celebrations to mark the 60th Madaraka Day in Lodwar town.

In his address, the Governor revealed that he and a host of elected leaders had met with President William Ruto to discuss issues affecting the residents of Turkana and the county’s development agenda.

He disclosed that the leaders had also requested the President’s assistance in releasing Turkana residents who were incarcerated in Uganda. The President had written to the Government of Uganda to secure their release.

“We also discussed how to support our pastoralists in returning to our country. We talked about the proposed development of mega dams in different areas to benefit our people suffering in Uganda,” he said.

He added that the leaders had appealed for the President’s help in reopening schools that had been shut down due to bandit attacks and infrastructure destruction. The Governor mentioned that the meeting also involved engagements with the heads of the Ministry of Education to facilitate this initiative.

Other matters discussed with the President included the completion of road projects, the recruitment of Turkana professionals in the National Government, discussions regarding the resumption of the Turkana oil project, and consultation over land acquisition for oil production.

The Governor informed the residents that the leaders had extended an invitation to the President to visit Turkana, emphasizing that Turkana leaders were united in their resolve to work with the National Government.

He commended the heads of security agencies, led by the County Commissioner, for the improved state of security, particularly the reduction in highway bandit attacks.

The county boss condemned the recent transfers of teachers, which were instigated by leaders as a punitive measure, and requested the Ministry of Education not to entertain those transfers requested by politicians.

The Governor urged head teachers to submit a list of students with fee arrears instead of sending them home and interrupting their education.

Deputy Governor Dr. John Erus encouraged all leaders and development stakeholders to work together for the success of devolution in order to transform the fortunes of the county for the benefit of the next generation.

County Commissioner Jacob Ouma assured challenged leaders to focus on delivering their mandates to the electorates rather than engaging in early campaigns for 2027 or insulting the President.

Woman Representative Cecilia Ngitit urged the County Commissioner to ensure transparency in the distribution of National Government relief food to benefit targeted communities and help the county cushion residents against the effects of the drought.

Turkana Central MP Emathe Namuar urged citizens to support President Ruto’s development agenda by paying taxes. He acknowledged that to improve the poor state of the economy, Kenyans would have to play their role, but assured that the legislators would listen to public opinion regarding new taxes.

Kanamkemer MCA commended the County for supporting MSMEs through the Women and Youth Empowerment Fund and the Biashara Fund. He urged the Governor to reduce license charges to encourage more residents of the Municipality to venture into businesses.

Lodwar Township MCA Ruth Kuya asked the County Commissioner to undertake training and licensing of boda boda operators. Deputy County Secretary Joseph Nyang’a led senior County Government staff present at the ceremony.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024