Loperot, 25th June 2023 (Governor’s Press Service)– Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai has highlighted the milestones of his administration eight months since taking office, reaffirming his commitment to implementing all election promises.

Speaking yesterday in Loperot during a thanksgiving ceremony in honour of retiring Senior Chief Philip Elimlim Eloiloi, the Governor said that the County Government is on track to implement his agenda for Turkana and that nothing will divert his focus on developing the county.

“My focus is on the priorities of the people of Turkana: addressing insecurity, solving water challenges, fairly distributing employment opportunities, ensuring food security, and responding to drought. In eight months, my performance is evident for all to see,” he said.

Governor Lomorukai urged elected leaders to focus on delivering their mandate to their constituents, insisting that performance will be measured on deliverables rather than empty rhetoric.

The Governor outlined the countywide drought response he embarked on shortly after taking office, ongoing initiatives to address water shortages across the county, collaboration with the national government to crush banditry and beef up security in hot spots, and an increase in budgetary allocation to the Skills Development Fund as some of the milestones of his administration so far.

“In eight months, I have put Turkana County on the map for prudent management of resources, which has been recognized by the Controller of Budget,” he said.

The county boss said his administration would continue to roll out drought response to benefit residents affected by the drought. He stated his readiness to continue working with elected leaders, including MCAs, to ensure that programs are in line with the priorities of residents.

Governor Lomorukai paid tribute to Senior Chief Elimlim for his longevity in public service, having served for 41 years. He stated that Elimlim’s dedication is an example for other professionals to emulate. He thanked the residents of Kalapata for supporting him in the last elections and promised to pay back their support through dedicated service delivery.

Leaders present included MPs Cecilia Asinyen (Woman Representative), Dr Ariko Namoit (Turkana South), and Emathe Namuar (Turkana Central); MCAs Linus Echeme (Kalapata), Leader of Minority Samuel Lomodo (Lokichar), Etubon Samal (Katilu), Samuel Aliwo (Lobokat), Patrick Napion (Kaeris), and David Ekod (Kerio Delta) among other leaders.

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