Lodwar, 2nd August 2023 (Governor’s Press Service) – Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai and USAID Mission Director David Gosney today presided over the launch of a pressure swing Adoption (PSA) oxygen-generating plant at the Lodwar County Referral Hospital.

The plant, which has been donated by USAID, is part of the United States continued support and response to the Covid-19 pandemic in Kenya. Turkana is among five counties in the Country that have benefited from the USAID donation worth USD 3.4 million.

In his remarks, Governor Lomorukai thanked USAID for the oxygen plant donation and pointed out it will transform medical services to thousands of people within and outside Turkana who routinely visit LCRH for treatment.

He underscored the need to establish similar plants in other far-flung areas like Kibish Sub-County as a part of a broader plan to improve access to quality healthcare.

The Governor highlighted the steps his administration had taken to improve the Health, Water and Food Security sectors as part of his development agenda but cited resource inadequacy as an impediment towards the full realization of his vision to residents of Turkana.

He said: “We are unable to get resources to support the casuals working in this facility. We are appealing to partners to try to support us because most services offered here are dependent on this team.”

The visiting delegation led by Gosney had earlier paid a courtesy call to the Governor at the County Headquarters.

Director Gosney acknowledged that there was progress in Turkana and pointed out that the Covid-19 pandemic had exposed gaps in the health sector and informed the oxygen plant donation to counties.

He said USAID considers cooperation and partnership with Government, other private actors and the community as a top priority for their mission in pooling available resources and addressing issues as a team together.

Gosney expressed optimism that the plant would benefit mothers and children as well as help in the treatment of pneumonia, Malaria, Tuberculosis and other respiratory illnesses.

Deputy Governor Dr John Erus said the County Government’s focus was investing in high-impact development programs and pointed out that Turkana’s strategic location in the region, called for contented efforts to stem communicable diseases.

County Chief Officer for Medical Services Dr. Gilchrist Lokoel stated that the new oxygen plant had elevated LCRH into a medical oasis from the initial medical desert for medical oxygen while County Assembly chairperson for the Health Committee Betwel Kobong’in declared that the next frontier should be decongesting LCRH by upgrading Sub-County health facilities.

Others who spoke included Country Director of AMREF Dr Meshack Ndirangu, County Commissioner Jacob Ouma and Lodwar Township MCA Ruth Kuya.

Senior County Government officials present included County Secretary Peter Eripete, Deputy County Secretary Joseph Nyang’a and Chief Officers Peter Lomorukai (Preventive Health) and Paul Lodung’a (Office of the Governor).

Chief of Staff Peter Yoromoe and LCRH Director Joseph Epem were also in attendance.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024