Lotubae, 1st September 2023 (Governor’s Press Service) — Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai has praised the presence of football talent in Turkana and its potential to excel on the world stage.

Speaking in Lotubae during the conclusion of the NG-CDF Turkana East Constituency Football Tournament, the Governor said Turkana youth had proven that they have a lot of talent, and only need nurturing for the county to be known as a source of football talent.

“I have watched the matches and seen that we have a lot of talent among our youth. You have shown that Turkana also has the talent and potential for our youth to go on and earn a living by playing football in established leagues in the West,” he said.

Governor Lomorukai commended Turkana East MP Nicholas Ngikor for the initiative, and for providing a platform for the youth to showcase their talent.

Kochodin FC emerged winners of the tournament, with Katilia FC as runners-up and Kapedo finishing third. Governor Lomorukai awarded the winners Kochodin KES 100,000, Katilia FC KES 50,000 and Kapedo KES 25,000.

Other participating teams were awarded KES 10,000 each with all the teams receiving uniforms.

The Governor reiterated Turkana leaders’ commitment to the pursuit of unity and promised residents of Turkana East that he will soon embark on a development tour of the sub-county in the company of leaders from the region.

MP Ngikor promised to work with the Governor to develop the constituency.

Senior County Government officials accompanying the Governor included County Executives for Trade Elizabeth Loote and Chief Officers Samuel Ekale (Trade), Derick Epae (Administration and Disaster Management), Cicilia Majuma (Public Service), Paul Lodung’a (Office of the Governor), Leah Nasuru (Lands) and David Maraka (Energy and Mining) as well as Chief of Staff Peter Yoromoe.

MCAs who spoke were Willy Napuyo (Lokori/Kochodin) and Selina Lokope (nominated).

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024