The County Government of Turkana has unveiled a program in which all roads will be assessed to determine their condition and inform repair and upgrade interventions for the FY’2023–2024.
The County Executive Committee Member for Infrastructure, Transport, and Public Works revealed this when he officially launched the county-wide program at Namoruputh in Loima Sub-county.
The first road to undergo assessment was the 35-kilometer stretch of the Namoruputh-Puch road.
CECM Losike explained that a baseline report that offers detailed information on road surface area, depth of road damages, condition of drifts, and general conditions of the road will be developed from the exercise.
“The consolidated report will guide the allocation of equipment and road grading machinery for seamless work throughout the financial year.” The CECM Losike said.
He added that the new approach in which all works are consolidated under one document has also been applied to the Bill of Quantities(BQs) for better outcomes during the application of interventions.
During the launch of the exercise, CECM reiterated the commitment of Governor Lomorukai to improving the road network and opening up of rural areas for growth and development opportunities.
During the time, the Chief Officer for Infrastructure and Transport, Mark Achilla, said that the poor road network had a negative impact on access to water points, health facilities, and educational institutions that was detrimental to the local population.
He added that the opening of roads was a process of improving livelihoods and a response to basic human needs.
Chief Achilla reiterated the position of the CECM on the use of a joint report to ensure that the entire county is equitably covered.
The exercise was also attended by Mark Amojong, a Member of the County Assembly for Loima Ward.
The MCA hailed the move as a strategic intervention by the county to improve the accessibility of rural areas to urban centers for improved security and trade interactions.
Eng. Simon Nakucho (Roads) and Janet Bosibori (Surveyor) accompanied the CECM.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024