The County Government, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) have today jointly undertaken an impact assessment of USAID-funded programs in Turkana South.
Preliminary findings of the assessment revealed significant progress in the honey sector, as well as trade, youth, and women groups, have been operating commercial ventures in hairdressing, agriculture, and value addition.
The assessment was undertaken for projects based at Kalemngorok, Katilu, and Lokapel targeting all sectors of the economy as supported by the USAID consortium of partners and funding agencies.
These projects include honey production at Kalemngorok, a water project at Katilu, Boy and girl groups at Lokapel
The assessment equally revealed the urgent need for capacity building among a section of beneficiaries to strengthen their capacities to execute the mandates for which they were funded.
Similar assessments have been undertaken for projects in Turkana North, Loima, and Turkana Central, with the aim of developing systems, strengthening measures, and improving the value of project impacts to the beneficiaries across the County.
After the field visit today, a workshop on the same is scheduled from Tuesday 12th to Friday 15th September 2023.
The meeting will allow the County Government and USAID implementing partners to quarterly review, pause reflect; and co-create priories in the FY 2023/2024.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024