Lodwar, 12th September 2023 (Governor’s Press Service) – Chinese Ambassador to Kenya Zhou Pingjian has said that China will work to strengthen partnerships with counties, as part of reinforcing the 60-year cooperation between China and Kenya.

Speaking when he met Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai at the County HQ today, Ambassador Zhou stated that there was room for further collaboration with counties and that China was open to supporting Turkana in implementing priority projects. He asked that the County Government work with the National Government in identifying the projects.

“We appreciate the friendship between China and Kenya through the government-to-government cooperation. We wish to do more to deepen the relationship and there is huge potential for sub-national cooperation,” he said.

Ambassador Zhou also committed to working with the county to attract the Chinese private sector to Turkana to take advantage of existing investment opportunities. He said that the visit to Turkana had been an eye-opener and that he had seen the existing opportunities and massive potential for development.

Governor Lomorukai welcomed the Chinese Ambassador’s commitment to supporting Turkana and called for China’s support in innovative technology to address water challenges in the county. He said that the success of his agenda on water would contribute to the transformation of the county, with other agendas dependent on the availability of water.

The Governor also stated that there existed investment opportunities in value addition of livestock products, including developing tanneries and abattoirs. He said that with Turkana’s huge livestock population, there was a real potential for the export of products such as meat and hides.

The county boss also requested for partnership between Turkana and China to develop skilled human resources through scholarships for Turkana youth to study in China.

County Secretary Peter Eripete echoed the Governor’s sentiments and appealed for technical cooperation in the transfer of skills and knowledge to develop the capacity of counties to deliver their functions.

Members of the County Executive present highlighted existing gaps in different sectors, with the potential for partnership with China. They were Dr. Iris Mariao (Tourism), David Erukudi (Agriculture), Leah Audan (Education), Elizabeth Loote (Trade), James Wangiros (Public Service).

Chief Officer present were Dr. Gilchrist Lokoel (Medical Services), Paul Lodunga (Office of the Governor), Triza Amoni (Tourism), Lomodei Evans (Fisheries) and Peter Lomorukai (Preventive Health), Chief of Staff Peter Yoromoe and Director of Liaison Services Joel Mwita.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024