The County Government will inject up to Ksh 50 million towards reviving Lomidat meat and Naurienpuu tannery factories, as a way of promoting the livelihoods of pastoralists engaged in meat processing, hides, and skins value chains in Turkana.
The County Executive Committee Member for Trade, Cooperatives, Gender, and Youth Affairs, Elizabeth Loote, announced the investment after a consultative meeting with stakeholders on the prospects of industrializing Turkana and boosting its trade potential.
During the meeting, a USAID-KUZA Deputy Chief of the Party, Venny Mayaka, pledged the organization’s support for the industrialization initiative and termed it a strategic intervention towards promoting the livelihoods of the pastoralists and the huge population likely to gain from the value chain.
The Chief Officers Samwuel Ekale(Trade), Dr Ezekiel Etelej (Livestock Development), Evans Lomodei (Fisheries), and Joseph Epuu (Gender and Youth Affairs) echoed the sentiments to support the revival of the factories. And James Lokwale (Director of Trade) moderated the meeting.
According to MCA for Lapir Ward, who is also Chair of the Assembly’s Select Committee on Finance, Trade, and ICT Michael Ewoi, said that the relevant Department had ensured that the plans were incorporated in the CIDP III to attract the necessary funding support.
Hon Ewoi called for a change of tact that will ensure the two factories do not face failure and eventual closure, as had happened before.
It is expected that the move will amplify Turkana as a destination for meat, hides, skins, and related products to the entire nation and beyond, in line with the Governor’s Nine-Point Agenda to transform Turkana.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024