Lodwar, 14th September 2023 (Governor’s Press Service) – Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai has announced that his administration will support livestock Community Disease Reporters (CDRs) to facilitate their crucial role in supporting livestock disease surveillance.

Speaking today at Ekaales Centre, where he presided over the graduation of 154 CDRs, Governor Lomorukai said that his administration will issue the CDRs with mobile phones and allocate funds in the next financial year for the procurement of vehicles to support the program.

“As you embark on a mission that is not only essential but also impactful, I wish to assure you of the County Government’s complete support for the success of our objective to empower our pastoralists through stronger disease surveillance and treatment,” said Governor Lomorukai.

The County boss underscored his greatest agenda as serving residents of Turkana. He described the disease surveillance program as crucial to reducing the socio-economic losses brought about by livestock disease outbreaks in the county.

Governor Lomorukai also thanked members of the County Assembly for fast-tracking bills presented to the house. He assured residents that his administration would give space and opportunity to professionals to work without subjecting them to past political affiliations.

He acknowledged the incredible collaboration between the County Government and valued animal health partners and observed that the Turkana County Animal Health Bill will streamline timely response and control of livestock diseases.

“The policy has already been approved by the County Assembly, and the bill has undergone public participation. Once enacted, this bill will formally recognize our Community Disease Reporters as an integral part of our veterinary surveillance systems, making them eligible for recruitment and a stipend,” said the Governor.

County Executive for Agriculture, Livestock Development and Fisheries David Erukudi acknowledged support from partners in training the CDRs and noted that a multi-sectoral approach involving the Government and the private sector had contributed to the success of the training.

Katilu MCA Etubon Samal, who also doubles as the County Assembly’s Committee chairperson for Agriculture, Pastoral Economy and Fisheries, assured that the house will pass the County Animal Health Bill and lauded Governor Lomorukai’s administration for prioritizing pastoralist livelihood activities in its development agenda.

Partner representatives from ADRA, Usaid Nawiri and Agriculture Sector Development Support Programme(ASDSP) County Coordinator Bonface Okita were present.

Senior County Government officials present included County Chief Officers Dr. Ezekiel Ekuwom (Livestock Development), and Janerose Tioko (Agriculture), and Director for Veterinary Services Dr. Benson Long’or.

Other MCAs present were Alphonse Loteder (Katilia), Aule Nawoyakope (Kibish), Michael Apem (Kalokol), Willy Napuyo (Lokori) and Rebecca Asinyen (nominated).

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024