The delegation of the Judicial Service Commission led by Chief Magistrate, Everlyne Olwande, paid a courtesy call to the Turkana Deputy Governor, Dr John Erus, on Monday at County Headquarters.
The JSC briefed the Deputy Governor on areas and issues of common interest in the administration of justice, focusing on infrastructure and feedback from stakeholders.
The JSC team said the Commission is committed to achieving its mission of having a court in every sub-county in Turkana, and therefore, requested support from the County Government in providing land for the infrastructure.
The delegation also noted the challenges of the need for a mobile court in Kibish and the residential houses for the judges.
The Deputy Governor Dr John Erus appreciated the support from the JSC in solving issues on the administration of justice and peace programmes. He also lauded the recently launched Alternative Justice System and e-filing of the court cases.
DG Erus reiterated the challenges people face when seeking justice through courts and also pointed out Governor Lomorukai’s administration in support of giving land for the infrastructure to make justice accessible to all.
He stated that all the sub-counties have already given land for the infrastructure and that the county has no problem providing such land to JSC.
Dr Erus noted that JSC and the County Government of Turkana are committed to working together to improve access to justice for all.
Present in the meeting were Turkana County Commissioner, Jacob Ouma, the County Security Team, JSC officials, and those of the County Government.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024