The Department of Health and Sanitation and its partners have charted the way forward to strengthen their partnership to utilize resources efficiently to enhance healthcare services in Turkana.
In a two-day meeting, which points to the Governor’s Agenda on Strategic Partnerships and Collaboration, the Chief Officer for Preventive and Promotive Health, Peter Lomorukai called on all partners to co-create their activities with the County Department of Health, to maximize resources.
Speaking during the meeting, he said “Once the co-creation is conducted, then I encourage that we carry out co-implementation and co-evaluation together as a team.”
CCO also cautions partners against the Measles outbreak that has been persistent in Turkana West. He assured partners that it was high time they jointly stopped the transmission once and for all.
Chief Lomorukai revealed that the county government was in talks with several non-profit organizations based in Kakuma to re-open the Napadal Dispensary at the Kenya-South Sudan border point.
This, he said, would ensure that the refugees seeking asylum in Kenya would be screened and vaccinated for guaranteed health for them and for the local community.
The meeting was attended by County Health Management Teams and over 10 partner organizations.
In the meeting, the partners highlighted their projects/programs, operation sites, achievements, and challenges. It also presented an opportunity for partners to share best practices and discuss on possible future collaborations.
Matters arising from their discussions included the hygiene and sanitation component of WASH, preparedness for El Nino, and the persistent measles outbreak in Turkana West.
The partners were requested to ensure they connect the water source to the health facilities and early children’s development centers (ECDE) in the vicinity.
The Director for Public Health, Alfred Emanman, said that partners should start realigning their activities in reference to El Nino to avert any emergency that may occur.
He advised them to stock more water purification commodities and health promotion on signs and symptoms of water-borne diseases such as cholera.
The Deputy Director for Administration and Partnerships, Nancy Kinyonge appreciated the participation of the partners and their continued support.
The partner organizations present were USAID Nawiri, USAID Imarisha Jamii, World Relief Kenya, Concern Worldwide Kenya, International Rescue Committee, Diocese of Lodwar, Kenya Red Cross Society, ADRA Kenya, PanAfricare Kenya, Save the Children Kenya, World Vision Kenya, Amref Health Africa in Kenya Apese Ere, AIC Health Ministries and Good Neighbours Kenya.