Officials from the Turkana Livelihoods Diversification Organization (TuLDO) visited Deputy Governor Dr. John Erus to explore opportunities for partnership and collaboration.
Chief Executive Officer, Damien Aryong’ briefed on TuLDO’s aim to promote the diversification of livelihoods among vulnerable groups, including agro-pastoralists, fisherfolk, and nomadic livestock communities.
Deputy Governor Dr. Erus reiterated the County’s commitment to forging beneficial partnerships with organizations like TuLDO.
He emphasized the importance of investments that yield a visible impact on the community
DG Erus urged TuLDO to identify areas where capacity building, borderland projects, integration of host communities and refugees, and the unlocking of the potential of livestock and fisheries, could make a significant difference.
He also stressed the significance of aligning development initiatives with global frameworks and mobilizing public participation, to enhance understanding of local content and the broader development goals.
He assured TuLDO of the County’s full support in connecting them with relevant partners and extended an invitation for them to participate in roundtable meetings, where development activities are co-created and co-implemented.
The meeting was attended by officials from TuLDO

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024