Nairobi, 24th October 2023 (Governor’s Press Service)

Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai has today assented into law the Turkana County Education Fund Bill, 2023.

The new law will pave the way for the roll out of various categories of the Turkana County Education Fund, including the Ward bursaries for needy students from each Ward and the Governor’s Scholarship scheme.

The Governor’s scholarship targets exceptionally talented students pursuing rare skills and courses. It aims to bridge the human resources gaps for technical and scientific areas such as medicine, engineering, actuarial science among others.

The law also establishes a revolving fund through education loans to students from the county who can afford to borrow and repay the education loans at reasonable interests.

During the signing ceremony, Governor Lomorukai applauded the County Assembly for enacting this piece of legislation that will change the lives of many young people in Turkana County through increased access to quality secondary and tertiary education and skills.

He also extended his gratitude to the key stakeholders who made contributions to the Bill and pledged his support towards its speedy implementation and disbursement of funds in line with the provisions of the Act.

The Governor called upon the Office of the County Attorney, the Ministries of Education and Finance to fast track the appointment of the relevant Board Members, Ward Committees and Fund Administrator.

While noting that education is one of the priorities under his nine point development agenda, Governor Lomorukai emphasized that his administration is walking the talk by allocating more funds in education bursaries than the previous administration.

The Governor challenged students to work hard academically and in extra curriculum activities in order to benefit from the scholarships, bursaries and loans offered by the County Government.

He expressed hope that the Governor’s Scholarship will grow over time and pledged to lead efforts to reach out to sponsors and well wishers to grow the scheme.

Officials present included the County Attorney Erastus Ethekon and Director for Liaison Joel Mwita among other County staff at the Liaison Office in Nairobi.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024