Agriculture County Executive David Erukudi was today at Amana Emoit farm, Lorengkipi, to monitor the start of the farmers’ planting season.
The planting of the certified cowpeas and sorghum seeds kicked off today after the 400 farmers underwent on-farm training and demonstration on spacing, seed placement, and good agronomic practices.
The training and construction of the trapezoidal bunds targeting 100 acres was facilitated through the Agricultural Sector Development Support Programme (ASDSP).
As part of its objective to support the sorghum value chain in Turkana, ASDSP procured 1600kgs of certified sorghum seeds that will benefit more than 1000 farmers in Lorengkipi and Nanyangkipi.
They have also distributed assorted farm tools and cowpeas to support the rainfed farms.
CECM Erukudi observed that the planting was timely due to the short rains being experienced in the targeted areas.
He commended the spirit, commitment, and effort of farmers since the rehabilitation of farms that started a few months ago.
He urged county officers to continue assisting the farmers and called for the involvement of the youth to provide the necessary manpower in the farms.
Separately, County Chief for Agriculture and Land Reclamation Janerose Tioko was in Nanyangakippi in Songot ward to supervise a similar exercise.
Amana Emoit and Nanyangakippi farms were identified through a survey to select suitable areas for soil conservation and floodwater harvesting.
The objective was to unlock the pull effect of the sorghum value chain by increasing production.
A total of 680 farmers benefitted from the 800kgs of sorghum seed targeting the 100-acre Nanyangakippi farm in Songot, Turkana West.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024