There is hope that residents of Lopii in Turkana East will start enjoying water access in the next three months after the County announced a partnership deal with Global Partners Mission to expand and improve the existing Lopii Water project.
The County Executive Committee Member for Water Services, Faith Aletea said this during a site handover to the contractor to commence the project.
Talking to Lopii residents, she assured them of the project expansion that includes an additional borehole, piping extension to the area’s social amenities, animal watering point, and construction of three water kiosks at different locations in the residential area.
“This project will be co-financed with the County Government. Global Partners Mission will support equipping and extension works while the County will sink a borehole and, rehabilitation of the existing masonry tank.” Said CECM.
The Water CECM added that the works are expected to commence in two week’s time, once a drilling rig reaches the area.
She reminded the residents of Lopii of last September’s visit of the Governor to the area, promising them an additional borehole to guarantee water availability.
Every effort was made to fulfill the promise of water accessibility to the residents of Lopii.
CECM Aletea reiterated the upgrade of the existing project was meant to expand water availability to 2500 households, from the current 1,000, and to 70,000 livestock units in the area.
So far, Turkana East has already benefitted from borehole projects at Kakiteitei, rehabilitation of three other water supply systems, and routine maintenance of 13 others in the past financial year.
She insisted the choice of three locations was meant to reduce distances to the water points since the area was expansive and prone to bandit attacks and harsh weather conditions.
Institutions expected to benefit directly from the new water project are Lopii Primary School, a dispensary, and a center, where three water kiosks and animal watering points will be constructed.
Turkana East Sub-county Water Officer, Henry Eipa, will oversee the implementation of the project within the scheduled timeframe.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024