The incoming Chief Officer for Public Works Cathra Abdi, has today assured the members of staff and the general public that the delay of projects will be something of the past, as the Bill of Quantities and designs for the current FY’2023/2024 are ready.
She said this after taking over the Department of Public Works from her immediate outgoing Chief Marian Lotieng.
Chief Lotieng moves to the Urban Areas Management and Municipalities domiciled under the Lands Department.
Chief Abdi went on to say, that she is humbled to land safely at Public Works, which is truly the backbone of all the developments in the County.
She was grateful for the team of engineers who developed BQs and necessary designs for the projects this year. CCO said that will work together with the engineers to ensure projects are well monitored and completed within the agreed time frame.
The immediate outgoing Chief Lotieng said was happy to leave behind a dedicated team that works beyond official hours to deliver results. She added, that she enjoyed a seamless working relationship with her colleague Chief Officer for Infrastructure and Public Works, Mark Achilla.
Chief Lotieng told the incoming Chief to emulate her working relationship to work with all the staff across the Departments.
She singled out that Public Works has had no single audit query raised during her time in the Department, something Chief Lotieng said, her colleague should follow in the footsteps.
The County Executive for Infrastructure, Transport, and Public Works, Patrick Losike, who presided over the handing-over ceremony in his office, took time to warmly welcome the incoming CCO and the team in accounts and procurement who joined the Department.
He categorically commended the outgoing Chief Lotieng for the work done well in Public Works.
CECM jokingly said, if he had the power to revoke the transfer of Chief Lotieng, he would not have let her go, because of the good work she did.
However, CECM Losike advised that transfer is normal government practice in public service. It is meant, he said, for one to learn new things, build more social contacts, and get new experience on how things are done differently in other Departments.
CECM further told the incoming team that Public Works is both a service and a technical Department hence the working relations had made him release his official vehicle to facilitate engineers to monitor and inspect projects, and humorously, forced him to use his Probox vehicle to drive to and from work.
He called on everyone to ensure they help the government deliver the 9-Point Agenda, by supporting the other County Departments to deliver as that, CECM added, is directly proportionally to what the Department does.
Imadis Ekuleu (Principal Administrator), Anisa Adan and Grace Murei(Senior Accountants), and Shakespeare Lomoe(Procurement) among other staff, were present during the brief ceremony.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024