The County Department of Lands has visited Nalapatui and Esikiriat in Kakuma, Turkana West, to lead a community entry meeting on land regularization. And also did the integration of drought resilience programs by World Vision and the Korea International Agency for Cooperation (KOICA).
The County Executive for Lands, Peter Akono told the community members that the County Government had embarked on a public sensitization to educate the residents of Turkana on land regularization to pave the way for registration and afterward, lead to the issuance of title deeds as authentic land ownership documents.
He added the Governor’s Administration was keen on integrating climate-smart land use patterns into the engagement meetings with the members of the public, hence the partnership with WVK and KOICA to support Natural Resource Management practices leading to pasture reseeding and grass plantations at the two areas.
While asking the residents to allow the two organizations to support the grass plantation projects in the area, through the Kakuma Drought Response Project (KDRP), CECM said the government is open to more partners promoting productive use of land for the benefit of the host and refugee communities in Turkana West.
Anthony Oyugi of WVK stressed that the KDRS project had adopted an inclusive approach for both the host and refugees in matters of Natural Resource Management.
He pointed out the Esikiriat and Nalapatui grass plantations will use the climate-smart approach so that the land use patterns ensure sustainability in the long term.
Reportedly, Oyugi said his organization had availed a water project that provides the area with 10,000 liters of water.
The WVK Officer encouraged the residents to utilize the water for small-scale agriculture to enhance food security at the household level.
Leah Losuru ( Chief Officer Lands), Joseph Egiron (Director Surveys), Christine Nalemsekon (Turkana West Sub County Administrator) Julius Edung Aporon (MCA Kakuma Ward), Mark Nasopo (Ward Administrator-Kalobeyei ), and Simon Lokakwan (Land Administrator) were present.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024