The County Government has committed to revamping the Lomidat Pastoral Multi-Purpose Co-operative Society Ltd in its endeavor to benefit the livestock farmers in Lokichoggio.
The County Executive for Trade, Gender, and Youth Affairs David Erukudi said this during a meeting with the members of the Cooperative Society, who had paid him a courtesy call in his office.
Formed in 2005, the Society took advantage of the huge livestock resource in Turkana West, Lomidat Society witnessed positive growth with the formation of Lomidat Abattoir in 2008. However, it became dormant due to the closure of the Abattoir.
According to CECM Erukudi, the Cooperatives Department is keen on ensuring all the cooperatives across the County, benefit from the technical support offered, to promote the continuity and growth of such facilities for the economic transformation of the community.
He acknowledged receipt of the challenges Lomidat is facing with respect to ballooning debt and inconsistent membership.
The Cooperative CECM added that the County’s direct assistance will be on capacity building, support towards membership drive, and access to finances through the Cooperative Development Fund set aside.
The commitment comes at a time when a partnership deal between the County, Kenya Defence Forces, and the Kenya Meat Commission is at an advanced stage to facilitate the re-opening of the Lomidat Abattoir.
Chief Officer for Gender and Youth Affairs, Joseph Epuu insisted that the technical support by the county would augment the use of Lokichoggio Airport for the export of meat products from the Facility.
Chief Officer for Trade, Enterprise Development, and Cooperatives, Robert Loyelei, spoke on the governance of the Societies. He called on members and leadership to embrace good practices in the prudent management of financial resources.
The chair of the Lomidat Sacco, James Kiyong’a, said that their challenges had been compounded by the exit of the Sacco’s leadership in 2019.
Kiyonga cited that the ballooning debt had reached Sh. 2.7M and said that the closure of the Abattoir resulted in the Sacco continuously losing its share of the meat market in the region and beyond.
Shemmy Ebulon (Director of cooperatives), Francis Abongo (assistant director of Cooperatives), and other officers were present. Calistus Ekai (Vice-chair) and Lucy Erika (Treasurer) were also in attendance.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024