The County Executive for Trade, Enterprise Development, Cooperatives, Gender & Youth Affairs, David Erukudi, in the company of senior Department officials, has completed a three-day visit of projects across the County.
The visit was for the newly appointed team, comprising the CECM, Chief Officer, and Directors, to familiarise themselves with the status of projects, mainly fresh produce markets spread across the seven sub-counties.
“My plan going forward, is to facilitate community engagements and carry out repair and renovation works, that will lead to a return of vendors to the market stalls abandoned after being completed and commissioned for use,” said CECM Erukudi.
The CECM together with Trade Director James Lokwale and Gender Affairs Director Mollen Onderi, visited Kakuma, Letea, Naduat, Lokitaung’, Lowareng’ak, and Todonyang’ market stalls in Turkana West and Turkana North.
The Chief Officer for Trade & Cooperatives Robert Loyelei, with Wilson Ejiye (Deputy Director of Internal Trade), made the trip to Lokichar, Katilu, Kalemung’orok, Katilia, and Lokori markets in Turkana South & Turkana East respectively.
Shemmy Ekuwom (Director of Cooperatives) and Ruth Esekon (Director of Administration) led teams in Turkana Central and Loima. They visited markets in Lodwar, Kanamkemer, Kalokol, Nakurio, Turkwel, Loya, and Lorengippi.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024