Kalemnyang’, 18th November 2023 (Governor’s Press Service)
Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai has strongly condemned the recent violent attacks witnessed between Namakat in Turkana South and Kotaruk in Loima. The attacks resulted in deaths and injuries, and have caused tension in the area.
Governor Lomorukai emphasized that the individuals responsible for these attacks are known and do not represent the entire population of Turkana South Sub-County. He has urged security agencies in the county to swiftly apprehend the perpetrators.
“Those who carried out these heinous acts are known by name, and we have asked the county’s security agencies to bring these culprits to justice. I appeal to the residents of Loima to exercise patience and allow the government to handle the situation. Retaliatory attacks and the theft of livestock from innocent people will only exacerbate the problem,” stated the Governor.
The Governor also condemned the retaliatory attacks that followed the initial incident and urged those involved to return the stolen livestock. He highlighted the ongoing efforts to restore peace in the region, spearheaded by himself and a host of Turkana South leaders.
“We have always coexisted peacefully with our Pokot neighbors in Kotaruk, and we are committed to ensuring that this peaceful coexistence continues,” asserted Lomorukai.
In response to allegations that Loima leaders were behind the attacks, Governor Lomorukai dismissed these claims as propaganda. He reiterated the strong bonds between the two communities and expressed his determination to assist the affected residents in recovering their lost property.
“Turkana leaders will not stand by and allow culprits to steal livestock from innocent people. We encourage our residents to focus on growing their own wealth through legitimate means,” declared Governor Lomorukai.
The Governor was speaking in Kalemnyang when he presided over a fundraising event to support the Apwal Women Group. He was accompanied by County First Lady Lillian Ekamais.
MCAs present were Anarclet Lemuya (Lobei/Kotaruk), Patrick Napion (Kaeris), Lawrence Lopayo (Lokiriama/Lorengippi), Dedan Kalimapus (Nakalale), nominated MCAs Rebecca Epae, Patrick Losuru and Hellen Kaile.
Senior County Government officials who accompanied the Governor included County Executives Dr. Michael Eregae (Finance) and James Wangiros (Public Service); Chief Officers Marian Lotieng (Municipalities and Urban Areas Management), Etelej Korea (ECDE and Social Protection) Janerose Tioko (Agriculture), Peter Lomorukai (Preventive and Promotive Services) Legal Advisor Ekiru Tulele among others.

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