Members of Lotubae, Kangitit, and Nakukulas community land management committees have been trained on the application of land laws and conflict mitigation approaches to strengthen their services to the community.
The five-day training was supported by USAID NAWIRI.
It was aimed at unpacking community land laws and the use of customary tools for conflict management.
The Chief Officer for Lands Leah Losiru said the training was a joint intervention by the County and NAWIRI to strengthen land governance systems, through the inclusion of grassroots-level management committees.
Chief Losiru confirmed the training content was organized in such a way it allows for sensitization on early detection of potential conflict triggers and ways to resolve the conflict satisfactorily.
She called on the trainees to put the skills gained to good use, as the county continues to sensitize the public on community land registration for issuance of title deeds for land ownership.
USAID NAWIRI representative Sericho Lokolong challenged the trainees to face the heavy task ahead of them with the skills acquired from the training.
Lokolong advised the trainees to work closely with the County and National Government administrative officials in executing the land management duties.
He also called for innovative ideas that would adopt land use patterns that support range land management, grass reseeding, and agricultural use, all of which would address the persistent acute malnutrition in the area.
Turkana East Deputy County Commissioner Moses Kagwiria described the training as an eye-opener for peacebuilding.
He urged the trainees to use their skills to foster peaceful coexistence among communities in the area.
DCC Kagwiria added the Committee was a strategic platform for initiating talks on the adoption of land use that promotes better livelihood.
Lokori Division Assistant County Commissioner Abey Osman, Galgalo Bora (National Lands Commission), Vincent Agevi (Land Adjudicator), Edwin Wafula (Land registrar), and Joseph Egiron (Director, land surveys) were also present.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024