Deputy Governor Dr. John Erus today led celebrations to mark the annual World Fisheries Day at Eliye in Kangatotha Ward.
In his opening remarks, Dr. Erus enumerated the County Government’s support on fisheries, as one of the sources of livelihood.
He acknowledged Development Partners’ contribution on the fish value chain.
“The County Government has prioritised livelihoods as an ingredient of transforming the lives of the Turkana people. We realised this through collaboration and mutual partnership.” DG said.
Dr. Erus also presided over launch of the Fish handling guidelines and four new Beach Management Units (BMUs).
The BMUs and Fish handling Manuals, DG Erus said, are critical in improving the fish infrastructure along the Lake and ensure fishing contributed positively to the welfare of the people who live along Lake Turkana.
He announced that the County Government, in collaboration with Netherlands, will be investing Sh1.5 billion to unlocking the potential of Lake Turkana.
An additional Sh50 million, he said, had been allocated towards strengthening the fish infrastructure.
The global event, which was celebrated in Turkana County for the first time, had the fisherfolks involved in a boat race as part of the celebrations.
County Executive for Agriculture, Livestock Development, and Fisheries Dr. Anthony Apalia called for the strengthening of the partnership between the County Government and partners on the implementation of programs in the sector.
He elaborated on the Department’s plans to give a socio-economic face-lift to hundreds of people involved in fishing as their source of livelihood.
County Chief Officer for Fisheries and Aquaculture, Evans Lomodei, thanked partners for their sacrifice and support towards the success of the Fisheries Day.
The Livestock Development counterpart Dr Ezekiel Etelej said the county was committed to strengthening the sector.
MCAs from Turkana Central led by Kangatotha MCA Mathew Alany expressed support for the County Government’s development vision for the fisherfolks.
SAPCONE representative Philip Aemun, who spoke on behalf of development partners, said they were ready to team up with the County Government to lobby for the establishment of the Lake Turkana Development Authority to unlock the potential of the Lake through the creation of jobs and expansion of businesses.
This year’s theme was “Docking for Dignity: The Role of Boats in advancing decent work in Fisheries”.
The directors present were Joram Ewoton (Administration), Adengo David (Fisheries), and Rodney Eyanae (Revenue).
Also present were Deputy Directors Ernest Anzeze (Livestock Marketing and Jackson Nakusa (Sports) as well as ASDSP County Coordinator Bonface Okita.
The event was organized by the County Government of Turkana in collaboration with ASDSP, Wetlands International, TUPADO, ACDI/VOCA, USAID Nawiri, WFP, START UP Lions, KeFS, KEMFRI, SAPCONE, Keep it Cool Ltd and Migingo Fish Suppliers Ltd.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024