A public sensitization campaign on the restructuring of water supply management has moved from Lodwar to the Sub-counties.
The public awareness meetings were conducted at Lorgum, Kakuma, Lokichar, Lokichoggio, Lokori, and Lokitaung.
The plan is to allow a seamless transition of water supply management from the current water company to Turkana County Urban and Rural Water and Sanitation Public Limited Companies.
At Lorgum, County Solicitor Ruth Emanikor unpacked the legal standing of the procedure to the public and said that it was in line with the spirit of devolution, Water Act, 2016, and the Turkana County Water Act, 2019.
She indicated the Legal Department had been in constant consultation with the relevant government entities to ensure alignment and compliance of the entire process with the law.
Emanikor, who is also one of the board members of Lowasco, said the ongoing exercise had also been informed by a resolution of a Select Committee of the Senate of Kenya.
According to her, the bold step by the County Government to restructure the water management system would pay dividends to the needs of the pastoralist community to reduce water and pasture-related conflicts with the neighbors.
During the public sensitization meetings, participants raised concerns over job opportunities, the role of partners, the fate of the current water users association structures, succession management of the two companies, and the inclusion of livestock and farmers associations as bulk water users.
Those present included Esukuku Imana (Director, Administration Water) Titus Lokerikeju (Loima Sub-County Administrators)Ward Administrators, Loima and Joseph Losuru (Chair, County Livestock Marketing Council).

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024