The Department of Health and Sanitation, in collaboration with Amref in Kenya Africa, has concluded the assessment and mapping of the Primary Care Network in Turkana Central Sub-county.
They have also in addition to this, provided feedback on establishing PCN that will ensure primary healthcare (PHC) services for all.
The establishment of PCNs, a directive from the National Government, is meant to lead to a shock-proof health system that supports sustainable universal healthcare coverage (UHC).
Speaking at the meeting, the County Chief Officer (CCO) for Preventive and Promotive Health, Peter Lomorukai said that strengthening PCN will play a critical role in the diversity of healthcare services for the remote population.
“Strengthening and managing health services, will safeguard primary healthcare delivery in inaccessible areas and consequently, reduce the number of referrals across the county,” he said.
The Sub-county Public Health Nurse, Jane Atabo reiterated the proposed model for PCN will increase health facilities across the Sub-county thereby, enhancing access to equitable health services.
“Under PCNs, health facilities will be upgraded from level 1 to level 3, thus developing a sub-county referral system,” she said
Anthony Arasio, the Amref representative, emphasised that the strengthening of community dialogue activities, and mobilisation through the community health services, will improve demand creation for health services at the community level.
Others who were present were, County and Sub-county Health Management Teams and a number of Turkana healthcare workers.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024